
How to remove tan with vinegar for skin lightening

Its summer time and spending too long out in the sun is not at a good idea. The harmful rays of the sun burn down the skin and causes pigmentation. As much as each one of us would like to enjoy in the bright day light and enjoy the sunlight, the Ultraviolet rays seem to have harsh effects on the skin often causing tanning, burns, itchiness, pigmentation and rashes. While work cannot be avoided and we have to step out in the sun, the best way to stay safe is to remove tan as fast as possible.

Tanning causes the skin to look dark and patchy while also causing a lot of sensitivity, itchiness and burning sensation. Tanning is more common to people with sensitive and fair skin. Therefore, even walking out without a good sunscreen lotion is a bad idea. While you can invest in a lot of beauty products to take care of your skin, the easiest rescue to tanning is to use the vinegar that is easily available at home. Being a multi-purpose ingredient in the kitchen, it is mild on the skin and lets your skin remove the tan very easily.

Why does Vinegar work?

Vinegar is a totally natural product with a little tanginess that comes with the presence of citric acid into it. This is the reason why a lot of times vinegar is also used alternatively for lemon. And like lemon vinegar is a great ingredient to help you remove tan that is caused with summer heat and frequent exposure of the skin to sunlight.

  • Vinegar has natural citric acid which helps in removing tan naturally. As this is mild on the skin you can directly dab a cotton and use it on the skin to remove tan.
  • Vinegar has astringent properties helping the skin return to its real PH balance. It provides for the right balance on the skin and hence fights with a lot of skin problems.
  • Vinegar is great for fighting infections and allergies. It works best for acne prone skin and cures it from within.
  • Vinegar has a lot of anti-ageing properties which makes it a beautiful ingredient for all the face packs that you apply to reduce the signs of ageing. It helps erase the effects of time on skin getting rid of wrinkles, fine lines and loose skin problems at the earliest.
  • Skin corrector in the most basic form. Vinegar helps fight with the dark spots, light spots, patching and even eczema. Its properties help you maintain a clearer skin without any marks or scars.
  • Vinegar is a natural cleanser and can be used to clean skin on a daily basis. The best part about this is that it helps maintain the ph balance of the skin helping you get your skin the best skin care.

Face masks/ Face packs to remove tan with vinegar (White and Apple cider vinegar)

Both white and apple cider vinegar is rich in skin lightening, tan removal and cleansing properties which makes it a magical ingredient to include in face masks and packs. If you have tanned skin and are looking for easy remedies of cure – here are some that are sure to help you instantly!

Vinegar and Water

Vinegar is a natural soother for burnt skin and can be used as a sprinkling water for your summer months. It doesn′t just help your skin stay hydrated and maintain the ph balance but also helps in getting rid of the itchiness and remove tan naturally. Just mix equal parts of water and vinegar. Store this mix in a sprinkling jar and use it anytime you like. You can pour it in a soft cotton ball and wipe your face twice a day to remove tan in a few days.

White vinegar and Rice flour face scrub

White vinegar does wonders in cleaning the skin while giving it an anti-tan look. Rice flour acts as the scrubber and skin lightening agent to provide you an early fairness. For this face scrub you have to take a bowl and mix 2 tbsps of rice flour with 1 tbsp of white vinegar. Let it turn into a thick paste and then apply it on the sun-tanned areas. Ignore the sensitive areas. Scrub it well and wash off with clean water. This will help remove sun tan easily and give fairness too.

Vinegar and Tomato juice face mask

For this face mask you can use apple cider vinegar and white vinegar both. The tomato juice is rich in anti-tanning agents and goes well with vinegar. Hence making this face pack will ensure that you have removed tan in just a few minutes. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and thick tomato juice. This runny face pack has to be applied on the sun burnt areas and let to turn dry. The face pack will have a little tingling effect but it is just because of tomato juice on your skin. The pack will completely dry off and vanish into the skin. This is when you wash the face or tanned areas. Moisturize and have a look at your de-tanned skin!

Vinegar and Potato mask

Vinegar goes perfectly with potato in making a detan mask. This mask helps not just the face but also the under-eye areas. Just shred a raw potato finely and take out the juice. This potato juice has to be mixed with 1 tbsp of vinegar. Be careful to use apple cider vinegar here! Gently apply this mix on your face, hands and legs. Avoid the sensitive areas. Also, use the leftover potato shreds to cover the eye. It shall provide for a soothing effect and remove eye stress too. Let the mask rest on the skin and get soaked dry completely. Wash it off with cold water. Say hello to de-tanned skin!

Apple cider vinegar, Honey and Baking soda mask

Vinegar has anti-fungal properties which helps in treating acne. It also has anti-tanning and anti-ageing properties which helps get the natural skin complexion and younger looking skin. When combined with honey and baking soda it turns into a natural mask highly known for its tan removal properties. Just mix 1 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar with 2 tbsps of honey and about 1 tsp of baking soda. The foaming face mask has to be applied on face and neck and let to rest for 20 minutes. It shall give a ticklish feel but that is completely normal. Wash this off after 20 minutes. A few repetitions and your tan shall completely go!

Apple cider vinegar, Cinnamon and Honey mask

Cinnamon is known for its anti-fungal properties and helps in removing acne naturally. Honey makes the skin de-tanned, soft and nourished. Just make a thick paste of cinnamon and honey. Apply this mask on your face and neck. Let the mask dry and wash it off with cold water after 20 minutes. Now take water and apple cider vinegar in equal quantities and dab a cotton ball on it. Use this cotton ball to wipe your face clean. This acts as a toner as well as tan removing water. Do this twice a week and see your tan vanish!

The Vinegar and Egg white face pack

Vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties and works well with eggs too. However, you should use Apple Cider Vinegar and only egg whites here. Just add a tablespoon of vinegar in one egg white and mix it together. Apply this mask on your face and neck. The mask shall be a little sticky. This works wonderfully in targeting a lot of skin problems like acne, itchiness, pigmentation, close pores and even rashes. Wash off after 30 minutes and watch your face have a lightened tone and a lot of tan removed. Just use it repeatedly twice a week and you shall be able to remove tan completely.

Clay and Vinegar mask

This mask is ideally suited for people with oily skin who find it extremely difficult to remove tan from their skin. Clay acts as the drying agent and vinegar makes the citrus acid effect on the skin to give your skin the perfect de-tanned look.

  • Mix 2-3 tbsps of clay with a little of vinegar.
  • This should turn into a thick but flowing paste.
  • You can also add 2 drops of essential oil like lavender, tea tree etc.
  • Now apply this on your face and neck.
  • Let it dry and turn crisp.
  • Wash off with cold water.

Do apply this mask twice a week and tan shall be removed in 2 weeks completely. This is a good mask to repeatedly keep a check on complexion, acne and tired skin.

Vinegar, white and apple cider, are both rich in anti-inflammatory properties and helps in fighting with the signs of ageing. It is an amazing tan remover, toner and even a therapy to make your skin have a cleaner balanced feel. Include it in your beauty regime and watch the difference!


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